Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving-Classmate Style

Thanksgiving is a pretty great time to express your thankfulness, and this Thanksgiving, I am pretty happy to say I am thankful for several of my classmates. I am going to cover everyone, and I am sorry I can't say something about everyone that's too magnificent because unfortunately, I don't know you that much. Also, I know that I'll be thankful for some people, but they won't be thankful for me. But that's ok. I am used to this kind of stuff. Anyways, a few years ago, I wouldn't be able to really say the same, as I didn't really like anybody because they didn't like me. That point aside, I am happy to talk about why I am thankful for several of my classmates. I am thankful for Alexis, the very first friend I made here at Whitney Young. I met her during freshman connection and I was trying my best to actually make friends and be less shy. I awkwardly went to sit beside her, and we began to talk and be friends. I am so glad I managed to not be shy long enough to make friends with her. She is very nice and even though she is quiet, it's probably because she's really good at listening to other people. I am very thankful that I met someone super awesome like her. I am thankful for Alex because she is also a great friend. She's very smart/intellectual and she really cares about her friends. She also has a cool laugh and she's always wearing something rad that I wish I had/was wearing. I don't think I could ever be as fashionable as she is, and that's not a lie. Thank you Alex for always having an interesting opinion to share, and also for being there for your friends! You rock! Next, I am thankful for Isabel. I sit next to Isabel and it is never a boring day when she is around. She is so funny and laughs at just about everything, even if it makes no sense at all. Her laughter is contagious. Also, her profile picture is a meme. Why Isabel, why. But besides the laughter, she is smart and has a lot of intelligence to back if up. She can jump into a conversation and not be awkward like me, which I think is very awesome.

Now, I met Isabella this year, but it is no lie that she is kind of one of my favorite persons right now (that might have not made sense grammatically). She is short like me, and it makes me not feel so bad about my height (sorry Isabella). But although she appears quiet, she does talk about some pretty intense stuff. She also has a pretty good fashion sense. Because of her, I can make it through my next period class without losing it. Thanks girl! I am thankful for Sally! Sally is so awesome! She is good at understanding things and being able to present it and talk about it. She's a good actor and she's really good at helping me take care of the animals in the animal room. Sally is so great because when you see her talking or caring for animals, you see how awesome and passionate she is about the things she does, and that's what makes her so cool and a stand-out person. Sally is a really great friend as well. I remember seeing her in Freshman connection, but I never said anything because I am too shy. Actually being able to have a class with her makes me be able to hang out with this awesome person!!! I am thankful for Adam, who, although I met this year is already one of my best friends. He's kind, he listens to people and he's friends with everyone (how does he do it???). Adam is great at talking to people, being sociable and making friends so casually (unlike me), and he has really great ideas in the classes that I have with him. He's good at what he does, and I like it when people are able to flaunt at what their good at. Unfortunately he also had to give me a nickname that I will not type here for obvious reasons. Thanks a lot Adam. I am thankful for Sabrina, who I don't sit next to, but when we did talk, it was nice because she had a lot of cool things to say. I wish that I could talk to her more but I don't sit next to her unfortunately. You are rad, Sabrina! I am thankful for Juan, whose sneezes make me laugh because of everybody's expressions when he does. Ah yes, the joy of watching surprised faces. Ha, ha. I am thankful for Alejandro who I get to hang out with now in classes. He has an amazing voice and he's also a great friend. He wears these gorgeously awesome wigs and he looks fabulous in them. He likes to mess around a lot, but who doesn't? He also really likes the song Anaconda. Reaaaly likes it. I am thankful for Rivka. I have not talked to her at all, but she projects her ideas in class and their awesome. I think it's really great to hear. And for the rest of you in my class, I am thankful for all of you. I really want to say more, but I obviously have written too much. And I am also quite certain none of you wrote anything about me. Oh well.

Lastly, I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy, for being a great teacher. I always look forward to your class. I was so worried before this year started that my first period class wouldn't be great. I was so wrong. I love this class, and I am thankful that you make it interesting and fun, and you're not a strict teacher that the students can't talk casually to. Thanks for being such a great teacher!

Happy Thanksgiving guys! Eat a lot now, regret it all later!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Principle We Should Keep

Principles are a very important fundamental way of life for people worldwide. Everyone has different principles, and those principles are their guidelines on how they each live their own life. However, many people question other people's principles. Some do not make sense to other people, however there are principles that should definitely be kept. A principle that I believe we should keep is the principle to not harm other people. I chose harm instead of kill because killing is an extreme form of harming somebody. And harm can explain a wide variety of different things, physical or mental harm, harm that comes from being struck or harm that can come from someone's harsh words. Everyone should keep the principle to not harm anyone because no matter what kind of way the harm is delivered, the pain is still the same. Harm can affect people in more than one way. The most extreme form of pain can come from someone you love dying, or from being hurt physically. That is why this principle should be so important to people and central to our community. It can prevent many bad things from happening and covers a wide variety of topics and other principles. The principle to not kill anyone can be covered by this, or the principle to never steal, as stealing takes other people's stuff away and leaves them with less. Thus, the principle that is golden for everyone to keep is to never harm anybody.