Saturday, October 25, 2014


Ernest Hemingway. An author so praised and celebrated. However, many seem to overlook his life outside of writing, his many wives, times in the war, and even more interesting enough, the way his life connects to some of his stories.

Throughout his entire writing career, Ernest had many wives and loves. It seemed as if whenever he was married, the marriage would only last so long until he fell in love with another woman. He would love two women at the same time until the former left the the relationship. He jumped around from woman to woman. Knowing this made me change my perspective on him, as Ernest also seemed to want to be in control all the time and have a macho image. With one wife, that did not particularly set well and she left him.

Ernest used his time in the war for a lot of his story inspiration. There are many stories he wrote involving inspiration from the war, such as a Farewell to Arms. However Ernest had a connection the war, not only affecting his writing style, but his personal life as well. He had had many nightmares about the war and for some time he could not sleep without a light on as well. Eventually, this also led to his eventual suicide.

There are also a lot of connections with his life and stories. One of his wives had trouble giving birth at one time and was continuously given c-sections whenever she gave birth. Hemingway wrote a similar story called Indian Camp that had a lot of parallels to the trouble his wife had giving birth. The wife in that story had been giving labor for hours until she got a c-section, much like his wife.

There are a lot of sides to Ernest Hemingway that many people overlook because most focus on his stories. But with knowing more about him, we can see how his experiences and life connect to his writing style and stories.

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