Thursday, December 11, 2014


Janie is a woman who yearns to find true love more than anything, yet she goes about it in all the wrong ways, which was not necessarily always her fault. Her grandmother wanted her to marry Logan Killicks, a hard working man, but Janie knew she did not feel any sort of love for him. Only for her grandmother, she married Logan. She realized she would never love him, and she made that known to him. Although she did NOT love Logan, she put him through a little too much than he deserve. She would often argue with him. Although he argued back, saying some not so nice things, he was hurt. The next man that Janie ran off with, Joe Starks, was not an improvement over her first husband. Yes, Joe was an educated, rich man; the mayor of the town they lived in, but he only really wanted Janie for the image that she gave him. With a beautiful wife like her, it seemed like he was normal just like them, getting married and having a family. However, Joe was not easily impressed and quite egotistical. He would hit Janie at times, did not like her doing certain things because of her social class and gender. Janie did not like that at all. However, she amazingly managed to stay with him for 20 years. When he died, she was elated and loved the feeling of freedom. Sure enough, another man rolled into her life. A curious character named Tea Cake, who is playful and cheerful. He falls in love with her, and the two plan to get married, How will this go? Can Janie actually find a good man she likes this time?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving-Classmate Style

Thanksgiving is a pretty great time to express your thankfulness, and this Thanksgiving, I am pretty happy to say I am thankful for several of my classmates. I am going to cover everyone, and I am sorry I can't say something about everyone that's too magnificent because unfortunately, I don't know you that much. Also, I know that I'll be thankful for some people, but they won't be thankful for me. But that's ok. I am used to this kind of stuff. Anyways, a few years ago, I wouldn't be able to really say the same, as I didn't really like anybody because they didn't like me. That point aside, I am happy to talk about why I am thankful for several of my classmates. I am thankful for Alexis, the very first friend I made here at Whitney Young. I met her during freshman connection and I was trying my best to actually make friends and be less shy. I awkwardly went to sit beside her, and we began to talk and be friends. I am so glad I managed to not be shy long enough to make friends with her. She is very nice and even though she is quiet, it's probably because she's really good at listening to other people. I am very thankful that I met someone super awesome like her. I am thankful for Alex because she is also a great friend. She's very smart/intellectual and she really cares about her friends. She also has a cool laugh and she's always wearing something rad that I wish I had/was wearing. I don't think I could ever be as fashionable as she is, and that's not a lie. Thank you Alex for always having an interesting opinion to share, and also for being there for your friends! You rock! Next, I am thankful for Isabel. I sit next to Isabel and it is never a boring day when she is around. She is so funny and laughs at just about everything, even if it makes no sense at all. Her laughter is contagious. Also, her profile picture is a meme. Why Isabel, why. But besides the laughter, she is smart and has a lot of intelligence to back if up. She can jump into a conversation and not be awkward like me, which I think is very awesome.

Now, I met Isabella this year, but it is no lie that she is kind of one of my favorite persons right now (that might have not made sense grammatically). She is short like me, and it makes me not feel so bad about my height (sorry Isabella). But although she appears quiet, she does talk about some pretty intense stuff. She also has a pretty good fashion sense. Because of her, I can make it through my next period class without losing it. Thanks girl! I am thankful for Sally! Sally is so awesome! She is good at understanding things and being able to present it and talk about it. She's a good actor and she's really good at helping me take care of the animals in the animal room. Sally is so great because when you see her talking or caring for animals, you see how awesome and passionate she is about the things she does, and that's what makes her so cool and a stand-out person. Sally is a really great friend as well. I remember seeing her in Freshman connection, but I never said anything because I am too shy. Actually being able to have a class with her makes me be able to hang out with this awesome person!!! I am thankful for Adam, who, although I met this year is already one of my best friends. He's kind, he listens to people and he's friends with everyone (how does he do it???). Adam is great at talking to people, being sociable and making friends so casually (unlike me), and he has really great ideas in the classes that I have with him. He's good at what he does, and I like it when people are able to flaunt at what their good at. Unfortunately he also had to give me a nickname that I will not type here for obvious reasons. Thanks a lot Adam. I am thankful for Sabrina, who I don't sit next to, but when we did talk, it was nice because she had a lot of cool things to say. I wish that I could talk to her more but I don't sit next to her unfortunately. You are rad, Sabrina! I am thankful for Juan, whose sneezes make me laugh because of everybody's expressions when he does. Ah yes, the joy of watching surprised faces. Ha, ha. I am thankful for Alejandro who I get to hang out with now in classes. He has an amazing voice and he's also a great friend. He wears these gorgeously awesome wigs and he looks fabulous in them. He likes to mess around a lot, but who doesn't? He also really likes the song Anaconda. Reaaaly likes it. I am thankful for Rivka. I have not talked to her at all, but she projects her ideas in class and their awesome. I think it's really great to hear. And for the rest of you in my class, I am thankful for all of you. I really want to say more, but I obviously have written too much. And I am also quite certain none of you wrote anything about me. Oh well.

Lastly, I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy, for being a great teacher. I always look forward to your class. I was so worried before this year started that my first period class wouldn't be great. I was so wrong. I love this class, and I am thankful that you make it interesting and fun, and you're not a strict teacher that the students can't talk casually to. Thanks for being such a great teacher!

Happy Thanksgiving guys! Eat a lot now, regret it all later!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Principle We Should Keep

Principles are a very important fundamental way of life for people worldwide. Everyone has different principles, and those principles are their guidelines on how they each live their own life. However, many people question other people's principles. Some do not make sense to other people, however there are principles that should definitely be kept. A principle that I believe we should keep is the principle to not harm other people. I chose harm instead of kill because killing is an extreme form of harming somebody. And harm can explain a wide variety of different things, physical or mental harm, harm that comes from being struck or harm that can come from someone's harsh words. Everyone should keep the principle to not harm anyone because no matter what kind of way the harm is delivered, the pain is still the same. Harm can affect people in more than one way. The most extreme form of pain can come from someone you love dying, or from being hurt physically. That is why this principle should be so important to people and central to our community. It can prevent many bad things from happening and covers a wide variety of topics and other principles. The principle to not kill anyone can be covered by this, or the principle to never steal, as stealing takes other people's stuff away and leaves them with less. Thus, the principle that is golden for everyone to keep is to never harm anybody.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Ernest Hemingway. An author so praised and celebrated. However, many seem to overlook his life outside of writing, his many wives, times in the war, and even more interesting enough, the way his life connects to some of his stories.

Throughout his entire writing career, Ernest had many wives and loves. It seemed as if whenever he was married, the marriage would only last so long until he fell in love with another woman. He would love two women at the same time until the former left the the relationship. He jumped around from woman to woman. Knowing this made me change my perspective on him, as Ernest also seemed to want to be in control all the time and have a macho image. With one wife, that did not particularly set well and she left him.

Ernest used his time in the war for a lot of his story inspiration. There are many stories he wrote involving inspiration from the war, such as a Farewell to Arms. However Ernest had a connection the war, not only affecting his writing style, but his personal life as well. He had had many nightmares about the war and for some time he could not sleep without a light on as well. Eventually, this also led to his eventual suicide.

There are also a lot of connections with his life and stories. One of his wives had trouble giving birth at one time and was continuously given c-sections whenever she gave birth. Hemingway wrote a similar story called Indian Camp that had a lot of parallels to the trouble his wife had giving birth. The wife in that story had been giving labor for hours until she got a c-section, much like his wife.

There are a lot of sides to Ernest Hemingway that many people overlook because most focus on his stories. But with knowing more about him, we can see how his experiences and life connect to his writing style and stories.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Six 6 Word Stories

Helping isn't liking a post online.

Her hand fell to the bed.

She counted ribs from her chest.

She's thinking of what could've been.

The horns blared; she hummed quietly.

She saw her sister hanging there.

Friday, September 19, 2014

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

The Crucible was an incredible play. But one controversial character that everyone could agree on was John Proctor. Stubborn and a breaker of one of the ten commandments that those Puritans valued so deeply, he was definitely a very different kind of Puritan. I believe him, despite his sins, to be a hero. When he was faced with the opportunity to betray his friends in order to become a free man, he didn't. He had a chance right there to not die, and he also said that he would want his life and to once again be with the love of his life, Elizabeth. However, he didnt. He valued his friends lives more, and he sacrificed himself for them. He stayed true to his ideals to the very end of his life. And a hero is the type of the person who does that! They care about the well being about others above their own. A stooge is someone who is mean and cold and cares only for themselves
 Even though we see that side of him earlier on in the play, it disappears along with our thoughts of him being that way. Would someone who was a stooge die for some else? Or want to get out of jail and go to court to save his life? No, a stooge wouldn't. John is sorry for his faults, and he knows what he did was wrong. He even admitted so to the court, to his wife, and even told so to Abigail. More people could of died had he saved himself, and Abigail probably would not have stopped to continue to try to get John to be with her. However, he knew much better than the others. But now he makes up for it by being a hero, by dying to save the others that would be sure to follow to the hysteria of Salem.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

It seems to be some kind of a normal day. Then all of a sudden, there's news of these people that have come to inhabit your home. They look different, act different, they don't even the talk the way you talk. It's confusing. What do these people want and where did they come from? Could they possibly be from up there in the sky, the spirits?
When the Americans came to the land of the Native Americans, they could only imagine what and who they were and what they wanted. These two very different groups of people were about to clash, and with it brought triumph and terror. The problem was that the settlers had very different ideals. They didn't believe in the spirits like the Native Americans, and the latter didn't believe in their god. And as a result, the settlers felt no remorse when making room for homes while chopping down trees, or disrespecting the wildlife. The settlers also felt more superior to the natives, which they were not, only because they felt like they were more advanced with weaponry. The main clash for all different groups of people, whether it be right or not is that they are different. Nobody likes people who are different than them. The popular people make fun of the nerds who watch cartoons or do their homework. The nerds hate the popular people because they're different. They find each others activities pointless despite the fact that they make each other happy. Throughout history and even now, we notice that being different makes you stand out.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Hello everyone! Some of you may know me, and those of you who do know me, well know me! I obviously am in the same English class as you are, but I am going to take this time to actually talk about myself because it’s not something that I do very often at all. For starters, I am really interesting in drawing, movies, cartoons, stories and animation, because I love the stories that all of these mediums tell. I want to be able to tell awesome stories and wow an audience and interest them. I don’t really care about the money you make off of the job, rather how much you can have in a job; because it’d really be great if you could be working at a job you love while simultaneously getting paid. Outside of that, I just enjoy helping people out to the best of my ability because some people just need it. I knew I kind of needed someone to cheer me up some days (of course that never happened), so I just try to do what I can. Also, I really like a wide variety of things just so I can enjoy everything and get along with everyone. Things I really don’t like include sexist jokes and people who are hurtful and don’t really seem to care (ex: people who say: “Can’t you take a joke?” when they’ve made a joke that really wasn’t funny to anybody at all.). I guess I try to keep up with the world today so that I can be informed and so I do not get misinformed by other sources that don’t tell the whole truth. I try to enjoy my life as much as I can, and I’m kind of hoping for me to get the job I’ve always wanted in the future. That’s all I have to say for now, hopefully I didn’t bore anybody who’s reading this!